Thursday, December 11, 2014

Bloggy Blog Blog Blogger

So....this is my first entry.

You will come to find that I'm quirky, yeah quirky that's a good word.  I'm a creature of habit, set in my ways some might say, let's just say it comes from small town childhood epidemic, and yes I consider growing up in a small town to be an epidemic, a quite deadly one to be honest. Although it can be very nurturing. But that's another story for another day!!

Well I guess you just learned something else about me I'm a bit random and seem to get a little off topic. Maybe I have ADHD or simply to much caffeine who knows...but any who....

A bit about me I Guess:

I'm a momma to 2 girls and a boy.(Ty 11, Ashley 10, and Kassidy 3)
Wife to an amazing man with a heart of gold(more on him later:))
I wear a  hardhat and boots everyday(now you're wondering what I do)
.....I'm a branch manager for a staffing agency which specializes in construction staffing
I adore the color pink, monograms, and  caffeine
I'm constantly chasing 2 things in my life...organization and fitness(both of which you will bare witness to)
Polka dots and stripes make me weak in the knees,
Mason Jars and sweet tea are a must......
and in the event you see a rocking chair on a front porch I just might be in it!

So here is my crew.....


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