Friday, December 12, 2014

band concerts and band aids

Do you ever feel like you need to just say get it over with already...go ahead and rip the band aid off??

truth be known I am a bit southern minded and I can somehow jam to a repetitive country song about beer and suntanned girls but for some reason when a band starts playing songs like Beethoven etc. I just want to pull out my cellphone and play candy sue me

So my son played last night in his schools band Christmas concert and I saw my father in law glance my way and I smiled, he leaned in...and what he said well...was "if this is what it sounds like it's going to be a long night." I didn't know just how much truth there was to that statement, so they started with the 6th grade and there was my son cute as a button but clapping, really? clapping? if I am paying for an instrument why the heck is my son clapping?  3 songs later and a little jingle bells and it was over.. There I was looking over at my mother in law asking if it would be rude of me to I'm sure you guess she said yes so on we go to the 7th grade, then then the 8th grade and as sad as it is I swear the further they go the worse it is, and finally a few solos and Christmas songs later and it's over whew.......I survived!

So now you wondering what my point in all of this is, well there is some good news!!

My son hates band as well, to bad it took him 6 months to figure that out, I mean that is 6 payments on 2 different instruments just to decided band isn't for him and just enough to make me have to sit through a Christmas band concert!

Isn't it ironic how much we do for our kids that we don't want to and sometimes even despise? I'll give all the money in the world just to make sure my munchkins are happy!!!

But THANK GOD we are back to being a baseball least for now!

So here is a weird angled picture of my boys after this un-cheerful Christmas band concert that I speak of.


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